I absolutely LOVE this @bloghomework set by @rambo @missy & @lyxen !!!
When I was a little girl my mum & dad bought me a huge Brian Froud book; The World of the Dark Crystal. I still own & look through this book regularly.
Froud's weird & wonderful worlds & creatures were a gateway to darker more surreal, but equally as fantastical art!
For me, the next step was Burton. Beetlejuice was a favourite film of mine as a child and I could still watch it every day! With Burton, I was drawn in by the bizarre & unnatural and kept there by the creepy & unsettling!
@shaun_zeee & I went to Paris in 2012 just to see his exhibition and it was 100% worth it. His work is nothing short of exceptional & I wanted every piece from the exhibition in my home to drool over every day!!

Currently, my favourite artist is Camille Rose Garcia.

I cannot merely 'look' at her work, rather, I am drawn in, mesmerised & consumed by it.
I want to be part of the world she depicts; it's bright colours in stark contrast to the morose and often disturbing content.
Her work focusses primarily on women & animals; arguably the two most beautiful subjects in art. She consistently sets these subjects within the worlds of well-known fairytales; drawing on their sometimes dark & surreal nature.

Her exploration of the sinister side of fairytales really excites me; she perfectly fuses horror & beauty to provide a provocative yet endearing vision of enchanted wastelands & quirky characters that both melt my heart & spark my morbid interest.
I can't really ask for more than that.
I do!! He did a lot of artwork for the used ❤️❤️❤️ @matthewyama
Thanks for sharing!