I'm in Vancouver!!!!
Yay. Tried to sleep off my jet lag today but slept too late and woke up at 5pm and had breakie. God dam. I think I will get into the swing of things soon and get ready to explore!!!
Might see some of you Canadian folk soon, will keep and eye out for gatherings and what not xoxo
Talk soon you crazy cats x
Yay. Tried to sleep off my jet lag today but slept too late and woke up at 5pm and had breakie. God dam. I think I will get into the swing of things soon and get ready to explore!!!
Might see some of you Canadian folk soon, will keep and eye out for gatherings and what not xoxo
Talk soon you crazy cats x
We'll have to sort out an SGBC get together soon!!
Oh yeah, thats half the fun of Skate Camp! Hanging out with super hot shirtless dudes for 48 hours straight.