I hate boys, i think i'm under a one month curse...
they seem to be so into me for the first few wks then freak out and say "i'm not really up for a relationship" and i think, well fuck dude why have you wined and dined me for 5 wks? please explain males?
Anyway my roomie bought a new lepoord print shower curtain so i got rockabilly in front of it!
Love to all x

they seem to be so into me for the first few wks then freak out and say "i'm not really up for a relationship" and i think, well fuck dude why have you wined and dined me for 5 wks? please explain males?
Anyway my roomie bought a new lepoord print shower curtain so i got rockabilly in front of it!
Love to all x

u need no boys, u need a man!

thanks for the love!