I tried to take a cool artsy photo in my bathroom mirror and i just eneded up looking like a dweeb!
Oh well thats me i guess. My room mate just told me to not smoke in the house. I have like one cig a week and its outside my bedroom window! I know she has the right to say that but fuck can't you do what you want in your own room these days! Sometimes i feel so restricted by people, it makes me angry and defensive when i don't get my way... But i guess that just means i'm a spoilt brat!
Here ;is my attempt at being cool in a mirror... Verdict = Fail

Oh well thats me i guess. My room mate just told me to not smoke in the house. I have like one cig a week and its outside my bedroom window! I know she has the right to say that but fuck can't you do what you want in your own room these days! Sometimes i feel so restricted by people, it makes me angry and defensive when i don't get my way... But i guess that just means i'm a spoilt brat!
Here ;is my attempt at being cool in a mirror... Verdict = Fail

looks like a 'dweeb' free pic to me..

I wish I could! There are so little jobs around at the moment its crazy, I've applied to everything I've seen