YES! The people above me are having sex again! They've really picked things up lately...everynight...around 12:30-1:30...i like to mess with them its fun....little things that they don't know when I close my window its sorta loud when you lock it and since their window is usually open I close mine and lock it which most of the time he's stops for about a couple seconds then continues...he doesn't have good "motion in the ocean"...can't keep a beat so I tried something new by playing rap musice with the bass up so he's got something to try and practice with or just keep! 2 and a half minutes! this guy is good!...ha...i feel sorry for that i don't!

you should try hitting the celling with a broom to give him a rythem. are you coming to willyville this weekend if you don't i'm just going to hid in my house and only come out when i have to work.
i miss you