I REALLY wish I had something entertaining to put up here, but mostly I am just working a buttload and trying to figure stuff out still. like, where the hell ill be living in a months time.
Managed to find some halfway interesting people, even a female one! *gasp* in Alaska! I then proceded to bludgeon her in the nose....because im smooth like that.
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Managed to find some halfway interesting people, even a female one! *gasp* in Alaska! I then proceded to bludgeon her in the nose....because im smooth like that.
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Alrighty, got me setup in the new town almost. Got a geeky job, doing computer stuff, its great, as soon as I stop working 45 hours a week maybe Ill stop and enjoy myself....ugh, I forgot how much I hate working.
i think it was lawn mower parts or a bike or something!
OK, got myself all up in my new apartment, and on the job hunting thing. Being in a real city has its benefits. I have options! *cry*
Hrm. Geek Squad. I always wanted a nifty badge certifying me as a geek.....
Hrm. Geek Squad. I always wanted a nifty badge certifying me as a geek.....
money? i wish. i'm just taking some very much needed time off work. i love being lazy!
well i'm glad you enjoyed that!
Alright, well, I made it finally! Yay.
Now, to set up the new life.
Ill be gone a few days.
Time to experience a new town!
Now, to set up the new life.
Ill be gone a few days.

OK, so, mere hours until I take my life, now packed conveniently in 3 plastic totes and a suitcase, to another town to find who knows what.
Kinda scary.
Kinda exhilirating.
Dont know whats out there till ya try eh? Here goes nothin.
*closes eyes and jumps*
Kinda scary.
Kinda exhilirating.
Dont know whats out there till ya try eh? Here goes nothin.
*closes eyes and jumps*
OK, so, picked up at the latest geekfest here in fairbanks, I procured the showtime series known as...Dead Like Me.
Its great! If you havent seen it, go find it, watch it. Its beautiful. If you dont know what it is, heres a quick line about it: Girl dies at 18, becomes a grim reaper, must now balance normal life with taking the souls of...
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Its great! If you havent seen it, go find it, watch it. Its beautiful. If you dont know what it is, heres a quick line about it: Girl dies at 18, becomes a grim reaper, must now balance normal life with taking the souls of...
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heh id come duel you if i could
shame euro/us servers dont mix
but yeah, ive not came across another girl in WoW.. even though i been in my guild for a few months now, and im a very active member, they still forget sometimes and say like 'gratz dude' or 'thanks man' and its like
ffs im a girl! hehe

but yeah, ive not came across another girl in WoW.. even though i been in my guild for a few months now, and im a very active member, they still forget sometimes and say like 'gratz dude' or 'thanks man' and its like
ffs im a girl! hehe

Rawr, that stupid international boundary thing. *sigh* Ah well, I shall rest assured knowing that somewhere out there, theres at least...wait..TWO, good looking girls that play WoW.
Forgot who the other SG is that plays....but she has a murloc plushy I saw...

MMM....very tired, second night in a row up till 5 am.....discovered many new drinks last night, tonight, LAN party, yay for gamers. zombie movies, starcraft, a little bit of warcraft, and massive amounts of leeching new material. Mmmm... im now going to indulge in the geeky pleasures of Stargate. One week to go till I leave this town, looking forward to it. also bored as...
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We are now moving the alert level to...that one color...thats....not too bad...
Anyways, just biding the time now. Goddamn, I cant leave this town fast enough. Its hard finding stuff to do when you're so set on not doing it....
Theres the state fair this week, started today...gonna go do that tommorow. It'll suck. It always does. And 90% chance of rain.
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Anyways, just biding the time now. Goddamn, I cant leave this town fast enough. Its hard finding stuff to do when you're so set on not doing it....
Theres the state fair this week, started today...gonna go do that tommorow. It'll suck. It always does. And 90% chance of rain.
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ok, so, slowly getting better.
Today was good, had the ex's dad come over and work on my truck with me again today, and whaddya know! THE BEAST IS ALIVE!!!! It roars with...well, it works.
Also, called the ex's sister....who until I called, was not planning on attending the "new" wedding. Well...now she is. She's going to be a decorator. Whaddyall think of this....a conventient...
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Today was good, had the ex's dad come over and work on my truck with me again today, and whaddya know! THE BEAST IS ALIVE!!!! It roars with...well, it works.
Also, called the ex's sister....who until I called, was not planning on attending the "new" wedding. Well...now she is. She's going to be a decorator. Whaddyall think of this....a conventient...
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she is a jerk. you deserve and will get a better quality person. *hugs*