It was completely random, I went over to Art Bomb to visit Mike (he's done the majority of my piercings, awesome guy) and I decided that it was good idea to throw out $200. It's the Virgin Mary, surrounded by spiderwebs. I wish I could post pictures, but I left my USB cable in the dorm. I guess y'all are going to have to wait until I get back tomorrow.

It was completely random, I went over to Art Bomb to visit Mike (he's done the majority of my piercings, awesome guy) and I decided that it was good idea to throw out $200. It's the Virgin Mary, surrounded by spiderwebs. I wish I could post pictures, but I left my USB cable in the dorm. I guess y'all are going to have to wait until I get back tomorrow.
i dont know when yr getting back in town... but i'll be in columbus sunday afternoon... lemme know if you will be around!