Good Lord, I feel like my hands have been through a meat grinder....hurricanes suck. And cleaning up after hurricanes sucks on a much higher level. Plus, all my work tools rusted out since our building was apparently built during the great hurricane drought of 1905, where Florida just assumed they were safe forever more from torrential winds and rain and need not build buildings that would repel such conditions. So sleepy......
I've lost all faith in George Lucas and Star Wars. Whoever had that boycott going on were right. Please accept my most humble appy-polly-loggies.
So, now I'm going to bed. Damn SE Star Wars kept me up till 230 AM and I only got a few moments of kip the other night.
So long and thanks for all the fish.....
- Magbastard
(edit: I just started doing this crazy new trend...what's it called? Oh yeah...exercise. People actually do this for fun? What's wrong with people, man?)
I've lost all faith in George Lucas and Star Wars. Whoever had that boycott going on were right. Please accept my most humble appy-polly-loggies.
So, now I'm going to bed. Damn SE Star Wars kept me up till 230 AM and I only got a few moments of kip the other night.
So long and thanks for all the fish.....
- Magbastard
(edit: I just started doing this crazy new trend...what's it called? Oh yeah...exercise. People actually do this for fun? What's wrong with people, man?)
And...sadly...I have no time for Naruto