Hell's looking rather pleasant right about now....
So, have I mentioned how much I hate Florida today? No? Ok. I'll do that right now. Florida sucks ass. The US could live with only 49 states. Of course, that's only my ever-humble opinion.
It is currently some egg-frying 90+ degrees outside my room and a nice balmy 87 degrees inside my room. Which is horrible. I'd rather run a 20 mile marathon in Arizona at 120 degrees that sit at my computer in Florida at 90.
What else......if you haven't picked up the new Lamb of God album, you need to get off the computer and go to the store. Now. Right this second. You haven't left, have you? You're not even listening to me, are you? Huh? HUH!?
Now if you'll excuse me, I have about 6 hours of Star Wars to watch.
(edited about 50 times for horrible spelling due to severe heat exhaustion)
(Quick Edit: I'm changing my profile as often as I'm changing my journal just to keep updated. That is all. Back on your heads.)
Seriously though, she's awesome, always able to sympathize and lend an ear, and she makes you laugh. What more could you ask for in a friend?
I'm picking my nose in your journal. Mwahaaaa... wanna see the booger? I bet you do...