It's been swell, but the swelling has gone down. I just made that phrase up. Feel free to use it
. But, due to financial obligations and just not having any time, I'm bailing out. I still have my contact info up, so if you want to chat or email, there it is. Take care, wish everyone the best and all that other trite nonsense....
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that makes two of us...
Jesus Christ, I gave up being a monk for this bullshit? Where the fuck did I put my robe?
edit: sorry I haven't updated or left comments lately, but I've been busy trying to find a job and put up with the hassles and pitfalls of the dating game. At least the job shouldn't be a problem anymore. Now, where the hell did I put...
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edit: sorry I haven't updated or left comments lately, but I've been busy trying to find a job and put up with the hassles and pitfalls of the dating game. At least the job shouldn't be a problem anymore. Now, where the hell did I put...
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I 've got your robe right here... *wink wink*
edit: profile updated to reflect this past weekend.
Holy Moses dipped in Teriyaki. Today should be a pretty kickass day.
- I'm getting the rest of my shipment in, including my gi-normous bass amp and 4-string fretless bass. So, I'll have all my own stuff for our show on the 11th. (with Dulce Sky. At The Circuit. 8pm. $6 Cover. Be there of be square,...
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Holy Moses dipped in Teriyaki. Today should be a pretty kickass day.
- I'm getting the rest of my shipment in, including my gi-normous bass amp and 4-string fretless bass. So, I'll have all my own stuff for our show on the 11th. (with Dulce Sky. At The Circuit. 8pm. $6 Cover. Be there of be square,...
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Yeah, well yeah. I wanted to put something clever in your journal... but all I came up with was this:
It's sad I know, pathetic sad, not boo hoo sad.

It's sad I know, pathetic sad, not boo hoo sad.
The next person who refers to me as a "nice guy" will receive a "nice" sucker punch in the throat.
I seriously wonder what it would be like to be a complete asshole for just a week. You know, the kind that women seem to fawn over and then complain to their "nice guy" friends when the guy turns out the be a - drumroll...
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I seriously wonder what it would be like to be a complete asshole for just a week. You know, the kind that women seem to fawn over and then complain to their "nice guy" friends when the guy turns out the be a - drumroll...
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Soma... THE song of my life. Sigh. No wonder I'm fucking depressed all the time.
As for nice guys, WRONG... I have one that lives too damn far away. Sigh again. AND the ones I like (the nice ones) are freaked out by my passion; they head for the hills. If I find out a guy is an ass I dump him pronto. Here's the kicker, if a girl gives you the 'nice guy' bit, then they're not sexually attracted to you. If you really want them, just ignore the gal a bit and don't give into her every whim. Sadly, it will work every time. It's not about being an asshole; it's just that some women don't want a puppet. They want someone to grow with, not push around. I may be assuming quite a bit, but I've given that excuse before. I have found when I'm honest and say to them "get a backbone" they get pissed and run or they snivel practically begging me to be bitchier.
Wow, you probably didn't want to read all that, but c'est la vie. I'm slightly drunk and will speak without a lead tongue.
Jedi mind trick: "If a girl gives you the nice guy speech, she is not the girl you are looking for." *I wish I had that capability, I'm sure I could have spared many a hurt ego.
[Edited on Nov 08, 2004 1:37AM]
As for nice guys, WRONG... I have one that lives too damn far away. Sigh again. AND the ones I like (the nice ones) are freaked out by my passion; they head for the hills. If I find out a guy is an ass I dump him pronto. Here's the kicker, if a girl gives you the 'nice guy' bit, then they're not sexually attracted to you. If you really want them, just ignore the gal a bit and don't give into her every whim. Sadly, it will work every time. It's not about being an asshole; it's just that some women don't want a puppet. They want someone to grow with, not push around. I may be assuming quite a bit, but I've given that excuse before. I have found when I'm honest and say to them "get a backbone" they get pissed and run or they snivel practically begging me to be bitchier.
Wow, you probably didn't want to read all that, but c'est la vie. I'm slightly drunk and will speak without a lead tongue.
Jedi mind trick: "If a girl gives you the nice guy speech, she is not the girl you are looking for." *I wish I had that capability, I'm sure I could have spared many a hurt ego.
[Edited on Nov 08, 2004 1:37AM]
Well, the job hunting sucks. I was turned down for a job because I lacked "telephone experience". Nevermind the fact that a guy with 6 years of networking and TELECOMMUNICATIONS experience is applying for a $10 an hour job, he just doesn't talk on the phone enough.
So I just sent out resumes to everyone and their brother just now. So help me I refuse...
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So I just sent out resumes to everyone and their brother just now. So help me I refuse...
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Powah to you who refuses to work at a fast food joint! 

Well howdy-ho neighborinos! I'm back online (in a sense) and I'll probably be on here a little more often now. Because, you know, I'm unemployed at the moment and I have nothing better to do. So, let's see....
- Played my first show with Violet Run. Screwed up a shit load of times, but none of the 5 people there seemed to notice.
- Caught...
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- Played my first show with Violet Run. Screwed up a shit load of times, but none of the 5 people there seemed to notice.
- Caught...
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YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooohoo. We've run out of the coca and twinkies, but I'll hook you up with other sugary goodies.
That's awesome you're playing again. I dig the fact you changed your employment status as well. Nice touch. Okay, I can't think of anything clever to say since I have yet had my coffee... so, I'll be back with wit lata, yo.
That's awesome you're playing again. I dig the fact you changed your employment status as well. Nice touch. Okay, I can't think of anything clever to say since I have yet had my coffee... so, I'll be back with wit lata, yo.
Entertaining AND brain damaging, best combination known to man

I have a feeling that I won't be here much longer...
But aside from that, I'm moving to glorious SLC and will be offline for about 2-3 weeks (depending on when the AF ships my stuff). So take care, talk to you all later, etc etc......
But aside from that, I'm moving to glorious SLC and will be offline for about 2-3 weeks (depending on when the AF ships my stuff). So take care, talk to you all later, etc etc......
ewww SLC? my mom used to live there... damn mormons... i did not care for that town much...
Well, when you get here... Welcome. 

So I changed my ZIP to reflect my (soon-to-be) new home.
13 days and counting...
And don't bother with that dating thing. I'm just bored.
Now....back to my search for a boulder.....
13 days and counting...
And don't bother with that dating thing. I'm just bored.
Now....back to my search for a boulder.....
Yeah the dating proflie weirds me out a bit. However, "I will pee on your dog while wrapped in clingfilm" made me spit out the coffee I was drinking at the time. I still hurt from laughing.
So you're still on the search for that boulder eh? Leave the heavy rocks alone... bad human, bad.
So you're still on the search for that boulder eh? Leave the heavy rocks alone... bad human, bad.
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor. "
- Neil Gaiman
Only 2 more weeks to go...
- Neil Gaiman
Only 2 more weeks to go...
I've indeed tried learning Japanese through osmosis by watching anime/listening to Jrock/pop etc. and it ALMOST works. It Builds up random vocab and gives you a feel for the language...but I need to go to school for the rest...
Mmmm, Gaiman, swoon.
So, tell me the suspense is killing me, what happens in two weeks? You get out of the military and are coming to hang in New Orleans with me? Right? Or, you're starting a social coup and the revolution begins with the broadcast of a public service announcement created by the same monkeys who eventually typed out Shakespeare's sonnets, Kafka's Metamorphosis, and my journal entry (mwah, great works by monkeys and references from Mammet).
So, tell me the suspense is killing me, what happens in two weeks? You get out of the military and are coming to hang in New Orleans with me? Right? Or, you're starting a social coup and the revolution begins with the broadcast of a public service announcement created by the same monkeys who eventually typed out Shakespeare's sonnets, Kafka's Metamorphosis, and my journal entry (mwah, great works by monkeys and references from Mammet).
Probably won't be around for the next 2-3 weeks. I'm starting my outprocessing today. So, if I'm not commenting, you know why.
See everyone when I see everyone...
edit: Quick note on that. My shop put me on nights so I could outprocess during the day (you'd think they were doing me a favor, the way they talk. When in fact, I'm basically working two...
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See everyone when I see everyone...
edit: Quick note on that. My shop put me on nights so I could outprocess during the day (you'd think they were doing me a favor, the way they talk. When in fact, I'm basically working two...
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what exactly is outprocessing?
I'm going through magbastard withdrawl. I need a fix man, how much???? Heh.
I'm listening to Goodbye Horses that song in Silence of the Lambs where dudeman stiches together a human skin cloak. I'm thinking I need human skin boots, just as a threat to the jerkpies that walk the streets of New Orleans asking for change and cigarettes.
*footnote, I am evil on Fridays.
I'm listening to Goodbye Horses that song in Silence of the Lambs where dudeman stiches together a human skin cloak. I'm thinking I need human skin boots, just as a threat to the jerkpies that walk the streets of New Orleans asking for change and cigarettes.
*footnote, I am evil on Fridays.
Why are so many bands with an impressive discography suddenly starting to sound like poor imitations of themselves? And why have so many members of these incredible bands left to pursue other projects that wouldn't know a musical composition from a musical compost heap? I guess the most recent examples that come to mind are Kingdom of Snakes (former Nothingface members), Hazen St. (Madball, H20...
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This is where I reference Napolean Dynamite. 

- Jessicka can do no wrong...and rumor has it, they want to do a few shows with us.
- Don't buy Hazen St. St.
- Wait, if you're a Madball fan, don't buy Hazen St.
- Florida still sucks. But, I guess you probably know that.
- Only 3 more weeks...
- Headless Clown! HEADLESS CLOWN!!
- How about clown tacquitos?
- Mmmm.....tacquitos.......
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- Don't buy Hazen St. St.
- Wait, if you're a Madball fan, don't buy Hazen St.
- Florida still sucks. But, I guess you probably know that.
- Only 3 more weeks...
- Headless Clown! HEADLESS CLOWN!!
- How about clown tacquitos?
- Mmmm.....tacquitos.......
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I want a pet headless clown. I'd rest my beer cans on it's neck stump.
Hehe, you're wrong on both guesses of the "Assume the Position!" thing
And I'm hoping that somehow Battle Royale will work it's way into my Japanese class...
Hehe, you're wrong on both guesses of the "Assume the Position!" thing

So how were your dreams last night? I bet you're still wearing the boogies.
What's the deal with the headless clown? I feel so uninformed and naked.
What's the deal with the headless clown? I feel so uninformed and naked.