Alright. I've decided to open a column similar to a Dear Abby. How'd that crotchety old snatch get a column anyway? Our generation has been left without a sounding board, a voice of reason and objectivity, an ear to just listen. The time has come to tell Dr. Phil to "Fuckoff. Fer Sure. Like Totally"(god please know my references) and replace him with an equally vile character. Ladies and gentlemen, well it's really for the ladies, but fine the gentlemen are welcome too(fa fi dolla), today I unveil the earhole of Dr. Flippious P. Fungo in a column I'll call "Ask Fungo".
Thank You and God Bless America
Thank You and God Bless America
so.. when i was 12.. i was havin' a hard time adjusting to some familial issues.. extended familial issues that were messin' up my immediate home life... so i told my parents i wanted to study portuguese.. and since my mom is brazilian.. i had some family down there.
so when i was 12 i left home to live in brasil with my absent minded grandparents. i lived in sao paulo. and i came home fluent in portuguese.
my samba is good. my lambada is better.