WOW! How's this for an Easter Sunday? I get a call from a girl I use to date. Haven't seen her in almost two years. Anyway, she tells me that today's her son's birthday. He's turning one. I said, oh, that's wonderful. Congratulations. Who's the Daddy? She paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and goes, "you are". Quickly my mind kicked into overdrive, recalling every one of our sexual encounters. I always, always packed the plastic. Without fail. And if I didn't, I definitely always pulled out in time. Got mad control. And, my guy's not a drooler. So, it just can't be. It's not possible. It doesn't add up....
...Then, she sent me this picture, and it all made perfect sense. The resemblance is absolutely uncanny.
...Then, she sent me this picture, and it all made perfect sense. The resemblance is absolutely uncanny.
the kitty is still the closer for us ... in a bad way. =/