Frustration is setting in. Starting to take over. I'm desperately searching for something new, musically. Are there any bands out there with anything to say that I haven't heard before? What happened to the Morissey's, the Robert Smiths, the Greg Dullis, Matt Johnsons? What happened to songwriters who understand symbolism, subtext, subtlety, allusion? Where are the artists that seize control of your organs, churn them, rip them to shreads, then spit 'em back out leaving you wondering how you're still functioning properly. I need a fucking fix!!! Cany anyone help?
I'd also recommend a british import called Muse. They have an album called Origin Of Symmetry that's just all kinds of great. Modern and futuristic, there's something operatic about what they're doing. Check out Bliss or New Born.
And then go rent 24 hour party people. It's a movie. But it's about the music.
stay tuned!!