After a long day at work, and delays on the Picadilly Line as usual fuckers, I came home to a suprise. I walked into my living room and, lo!, there was a whacking great pumpkin on the table. Even though Cavelle eats a hell of a lot more fruit'n'veg than me, I've never known her to have a fondness for pumpkins. So, with slight confusion perhaps with a dash of due dread where this would end up, I turned to her and spake thusly:
"What the bloody hell is that?"
"A pumpkin" she replied, a bit unnecessarily.
"Yeah, but why have the bloody hell have you got one? I mean, it's not like it's Haloween or anything"
"Well, Haloween is tomorrow" came the response
There followed a well deserved silence
"It's bloody August........"
"Huh? No it isn' it? Oh..... I wondered why the guy in the New Age shop gave me a funny look when I wished him a happy Samhain earlier on"
I'm still trying to work out how Cavelle lost two months on her mental calendar, especially since there is a rather sickly 2006 kitten calendar hanging in the hall that she insisted on hanging up. I can only figure that her internal body clock is attuned to the Pre-Julian Calendar. Or she was stoned. Or something. I was promptly banned from mentioning this little episode but promptly thought "hey, what the hell!"
Edit: Upon further reflection I still can't work why she thought it was October, she's a teacher for fucks sake and has yet to return to work after her nice long summer break.
"What the bloody hell is that?"
"A pumpkin" she replied, a bit unnecessarily.
"Yeah, but why have the bloody hell have you got one? I mean, it's not like it's Haloween or anything"
"Well, Haloween is tomorrow" came the response
There followed a well deserved silence
"It's bloody August........"
"Huh? No it isn' it? Oh..... I wondered why the guy in the New Age shop gave me a funny look when I wished him a happy Samhain earlier on"
I'm still trying to work out how Cavelle lost two months on her mental calendar, especially since there is a rather sickly 2006 kitten calendar hanging in the hall that she insisted on hanging up. I can only figure that her internal body clock is attuned to the Pre-Julian Calendar. Or she was stoned. Or something. I was promptly banned from mentioning this little episode but promptly thought "hey, what the hell!"
Edit: Upon further reflection I still can't work why she thought it was October, she's a teacher for fucks sake and has yet to return to work after her nice long summer break.
Thanks for your comment in my journal; legends and folklore really interest me and I was unfamiliar with the full story of Brigid. It's amazing what they don't teach in schools, eh? Shame really; stories like those would have made the whole experience infinitely more interesting.
How's things with you anyway?