my boy asked me out last night. guess where we went. that's right. we went to the mountain!!!
it was great!
it is nice when you go boarding with someone for the first time and they are waiting for you to catch up, little do they know that you passed them and are down the mountain waiting for them!!!
ha! i love riding fast.
my boy asked me out last night. guess where we went. that's right. we went to the mountain!!!
it was great!
it is nice when you go boarding with someone for the first time and they are waiting for you to catch up, little do they know that you passed them and are down the mountain waiting for them!!!
ha! i love riding fast.
You should of seen me in action, I had a junior instructor shadowing me and he got to watch the master at work, but it helped that she was willing to try and listen, and it help that i spotted out her strenths and weakness, and built the lesson on that, when we moved from side slips to treverses, she wasn't getting it so much and was looking down at her board, so i hopped out in front of her and told her to aim for me, I changed my pitch and speed and she did to, once we got her used to it on the heel edge we did it in the toe edge because she was haveing trouble on the toe edge. once we had that started we hopped right into garlands, once I saw her fall that board straight into the hill and push a turn to a stop, it was time to start linking turns, she started having trouble because she started looking down at her board again, so i hopped in front of her and desribed what we be looking at as we linked on turn and brought it to a stop, then linked the next turn and brought it to a stop, on her last run i was just following behind her yelling positive things, and she did all on the oldest shittiest stuff from the rental shop. i made sure to tell her about other classes we run or just to come out and find me, and told her boyfriend that i can teach him to. I've tought a bunch of lessons that people have learned to link their turns in an hour to an hour and a half, but they have all been good skiers or skateboarders, she was not an active partisapant in any sport, and was so timid and nevous to start out with, once i helped her over that hump, she took off. and helped pump my ego to mass perportions, god i wish somebody video taped that lesson
Are you still counting fishies?