I posted this a while ago because well, sometimes people can get confused by me or think I'm being mean, I'm chatting to new people now so if you want o read the below. might help with the reasons I'm so flakey
For your consideration.
One of my Learning disabilities: Dyslexia (but everyone is different)
I was Labelled lazy, dumb, careless and immature, "not trying hard enough," or having a "behaviour problem.
If you talk to me and I can seem harsh its because I dont get it. Mostly with written word, so messages on here or in chat.
I don't understand which bit is the joke. The Humour.
If I cant hear your tone of voice I dont understand what you mean.
I constantly think Ive done something wrong. The world of email hates me.
I'm dreadfully dyslexic; ironically I can spell dyslexia and dyslexic. I have a feeling a word may be wrong in this sentence. I might be wrong, I dont know.
I can't hear the sounds a person makes to make up a word, even though my speech extremely good.
I have an IQ of something like 136, I can never remember, hello dyslexia.
My dyslexia means I can't pick up the phone, well I can, but you would have needed to give me detailed reasons to why you are phoning, you might as well had the conversation in person.
I can pick up the phone the first time to My Mother and Fianc.
It takes my dad calling four times for me to pick up, my sister six, my brother 8 and he has to leave me answer-phone message.
I cant spell the word 8
My best friend can only phone on a Thursday between 8pm -9pm, once she on the phone she can stay on for as long as she wants, she must text two days in advance for me to answer.
If I need to write an essay no matter how long it is, I call my mother 11 days before it is due, I tell her how I am not as clever as everyone else and I cant do it, then I cry, she then says "I can do it" and makes me promise I will finish it 4 days before it has to be in. I always finish it by her deadline.
My mother is my dyslexia tutor, I treat her like shit. I don't mean to. If I can't understand something I get angry, with her, its not her fault.
If you chat to me in chat, you may notice I take a long time to start chatting, its because I don't understand, I need to wait for a new topic.
You may realise I leave chat quickly, its because I don't understand or have lost my place, I get angry.
I treat my mum like shit, she became a teacher at 40 and found out I was Dyslexic when she was 50, she now a sort after tutor, I owe my career to her.
I can't take things back to the shop. Its out of fear of numbers. I am numerically dyslexic too.
Dyslexia isn't all about reading, writing and numbers.
If I get short changed or over priced in a shop, I have to go home and ask someone to count the change or add up the receipt. If I had coins and notes as change and I think it is wrong I will added it up over and over but not believe I am right, I will hold the change in my left hand till I find someone I can trust.
I cant hear the difference between P's and D's.
I have a short attention span even when Im trying.
I cannt read off white paper, I have Irlen syndrome.
My mother orders me new over lays so I can read every 5 week, I lose them because I have a bad memory.
When I am talking I will stop in the middle of a sentence, it might be because I have forgotten what I was going to say, or I cant pronouns a word.
I cant say "specific" I cant spell it either, the only way I got it right this time was by spelling Definite and fining a synonym, I couldnt spell Definite, I spelt it like this, defiante.
I am a walking thesaurus because I cant spell certain works so I have learnt easier words I can spell.
I cant ask for food in a restaurant.
I have learnt to hide my Disability well, they call the "coping mechanisms" I call them hiding in case I get it wrong.
I seem to "Zone out" or daydream often or I get lost easily or loses track of time.
I have extended hearing, I hear things not said or apparent to others and I am easily distracted by sounds.
I have a high tolerance to pain.
I have a strong sense of justice.
I have a high level of emotionally sensitivity
I strive for perfection, a lot of dyslexic people have other disorders, and mine is an ED.
Mistakes and symptoms increase dramatically with my confusion as well as time pressure, emotional stress or poor health.
I dont like eye contact.
I cant respond to people in authority.
I am light sleeper.
I am sensitive to foods.
I suffer from being compulsively orderly, if one thing goes wrong I cant continue with my day, I will just go through the emotions till I can start again the next day. (Addictive personality)
I have excellent long term memory, though I cant always remember the facts, I can recognise faces but cant remember names.
I have Poor memory for sequences, facts and information that has not been experienced.
I think mostly through images and feeling, not sounds or words. (talk to myself, I continuously have an internal dialogue)
If I could only pick once sense to keep it would be touch.
I am ambidextrous, and I often confuses my left/right and over/under.
Before I travel somewhere to do something new, (new course) I have to travel there 3 times before and walk to the room.
My brain works quicker than my speech and hands.
This is just some of the things that affect me because of dyslexia.
Feel free to Join my Group....Sexy people with awsome thing that make their brain awesome!!!

For your consideration.
One of my Learning disabilities: Dyslexia (but everyone is different)
I was Labelled lazy, dumb, careless and immature, "not trying hard enough," or having a "behaviour problem.
If you talk to me and I can seem harsh its because I dont get it. Mostly with written word, so messages on here or in chat.
I don't understand which bit is the joke. The Humour.
If I cant hear your tone of voice I dont understand what you mean.
I constantly think Ive done something wrong. The world of email hates me.
I'm dreadfully dyslexic; ironically I can spell dyslexia and dyslexic. I have a feeling a word may be wrong in this sentence. I might be wrong, I dont know.
I can't hear the sounds a person makes to make up a word, even though my speech extremely good.
I have an IQ of something like 136, I can never remember, hello dyslexia.
My dyslexia means I can't pick up the phone, well I can, but you would have needed to give me detailed reasons to why you are phoning, you might as well had the conversation in person.
I can pick up the phone the first time to My Mother and Fianc.
It takes my dad calling four times for me to pick up, my sister six, my brother 8 and he has to leave me answer-phone message.
I cant spell the word 8
My best friend can only phone on a Thursday between 8pm -9pm, once she on the phone she can stay on for as long as she wants, she must text two days in advance for me to answer.
If I need to write an essay no matter how long it is, I call my mother 11 days before it is due, I tell her how I am not as clever as everyone else and I cant do it, then I cry, she then says "I can do it" and makes me promise I will finish it 4 days before it has to be in. I always finish it by her deadline.
My mother is my dyslexia tutor, I treat her like shit. I don't mean to. If I can't understand something I get angry, with her, its not her fault.
If you chat to me in chat, you may notice I take a long time to start chatting, its because I don't understand, I need to wait for a new topic.
You may realise I leave chat quickly, its because I don't understand or have lost my place, I get angry.
I treat my mum like shit, she became a teacher at 40 and found out I was Dyslexic when she was 50, she now a sort after tutor, I owe my career to her.
I can't take things back to the shop. Its out of fear of numbers. I am numerically dyslexic too.
Dyslexia isn't all about reading, writing and numbers.
If I get short changed or over priced in a shop, I have to go home and ask someone to count the change or add up the receipt. If I had coins and notes as change and I think it is wrong I will added it up over and over but not believe I am right, I will hold the change in my left hand till I find someone I can trust.
I cant hear the difference between P's and D's.
I have a short attention span even when Im trying.
I cannt read off white paper, I have Irlen syndrome.
My mother orders me new over lays so I can read every 5 week, I lose them because I have a bad memory.
When I am talking I will stop in the middle of a sentence, it might be because I have forgotten what I was going to say, or I cant pronouns a word.
I cant say "specific" I cant spell it either, the only way I got it right this time was by spelling Definite and fining a synonym, I couldnt spell Definite, I spelt it like this, defiante.
I am a walking thesaurus because I cant spell certain works so I have learnt easier words I can spell.
I cant ask for food in a restaurant.
I have learnt to hide my Disability well, they call the "coping mechanisms" I call them hiding in case I get it wrong.
I seem to "Zone out" or daydream often or I get lost easily or loses track of time.
I have extended hearing, I hear things not said or apparent to others and I am easily distracted by sounds.
I have a high tolerance to pain.
I have a strong sense of justice.
I have a high level of emotionally sensitivity
I strive for perfection, a lot of dyslexic people have other disorders, and mine is an ED.
Mistakes and symptoms increase dramatically with my confusion as well as time pressure, emotional stress or poor health.
I dont like eye contact.
I cant respond to people in authority.
I am light sleeper.
I am sensitive to foods.
I suffer from being compulsively orderly, if one thing goes wrong I cant continue with my day, I will just go through the emotions till I can start again the next day. (Addictive personality)
I have excellent long term memory, though I cant always remember the facts, I can recognise faces but cant remember names.
I have Poor memory for sequences, facts and information that has not been experienced.
I think mostly through images and feeling, not sounds or words. (talk to myself, I continuously have an internal dialogue)
If I could only pick once sense to keep it would be touch.
I am ambidextrous, and I often confuses my left/right and over/under.
Before I travel somewhere to do something new, (new course) I have to travel there 3 times before and walk to the room.
My brain works quicker than my speech and hands.
This is just some of the things that affect me because of dyslexia.
Feel free to Join my Group....Sexy people with awsome thing that make their brain awesome!!!
This is why I tend to keep conversations light. The more I have to think about something, the more likely my brain is going to cut out on me.
My brain runs faster than my mouth as well. I used to stutter a bit, but I find nowadays I do just stop mid sentence to think what I was going to say.