Came to a very sad decision yesterday. Since I've been home I've been trying to get some stuff done around the house and clean up but every place I go to straighten I find another pile or box of comics. After doing some rough math based on how long I've been collecting and how many I buy each week I think I have about 15,000 comics. I have boxes that I haven't looked in since we moved here 15 years ago. I don't read them, I ran out of space a long time ago and I came to a conclusion that I never thought I would.
I have to start selling them.
When I told the wife last night she made me repeat myself because she was sure I didn't say it.
I'm very sad today.
I have to start selling them.
When I told the wife last night she made me repeat myself because she was sure I didn't say it.
I'm very sad today.
if i had to start selling books i'd cry
Kids aren't for everyone, that's for sure. Haha, perhaps attending childrens movies at the movie theatre could be considered good birth control