Thank you to everyone who has looked at my set. Hopefully I do well and become a SG but I can't do it without the support of all of you out there thank you so much for the help everyone.
Well it was a long fun spring break til the day before school was going to start. My 2 and a half year old son fell out of a shopping cart head first on concrete and his butt touched his head and bounced on the floor. Went to the emergency room and ended up in the ICU over night for nero checks. Well he just... Read More
so it has been a rough last couple of days. Well thursday was my birthday and my bf's ex-wife was a total bitch and called the health inspector on us because their daughter saw an ant inside our door way. Good thing I we passed with flying colors. Yesterday we traveled an hour which normally is a 20 minute drive to eat with my parents... Read More
Excited that I got up for member review and found this out the day before my big 20th birthday. I hope that you all like my set and take the time to look at them.
I positively am wild about that red top you wore at the start of your set!