I love running into people I havent seen in the years since I met The Tiffster. They remind me of how far Ive come from. the once gloom and doom girl is now actually happy. I think that really pisses them off. And that makes me even happier because they sold me short and they suck for that. But what they dont know is...Im the same girl. They just couldnt see it. I was hiding in plain sight. All they had to do was open their eyes. But they never did. Once I realized that I set myself free. I came out of hiding and was finally myself. Then and I think only then could I recognize what I had in myself and thats when The Tiffster and I found each other. Peace...Solace...At long last...
Wow that was deep...This from the same woman who once wore a Burger King crown on her head whilst shouting "I Am THE BURGER QUEEN!! I CAN DO ANYTHING!!"... But then again havent we all done that?
Wow that was deep...This from the same woman who once wore a Burger King crown on her head whilst shouting "I Am THE BURGER QUEEN!! I CAN DO ANYTHING!!"... But then again havent we all done that?