X's and O's to the mysterious stranger who paid for my 3 month pass.... Come out come out wherever you are...
So what do you do when the love of your life strats to pretend youre just one of her friends and not her girlfriend? Go slightly mad....
I hope life is looking up for you. Take care...
Today was almost about to suck when there was a high speed chase on the news!!! All afternoon they replayed it over and over again!! The guy crashed into a bayou and surrendered after about an hour. It was awesome. Thats quality television right there! Another example of quality TV: The NEW YORK DOLLS were on Conan last night!!!!!
MMMmmmmm David.....Grrrrroooowwwllllll
Also bought some new...
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MMMmmmmm David.....Grrrrroooowwwllllll
Also bought some new...
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Weirdness abounds....but at least Im not sad anymore

Every little bit right.

Sometimes I wonder...if I close my eyes and I sit very still will I just disappear?
I just noticed SG has your location as Houston. Did you move?
and hey, don't let them get you down
and hey, don't let them get you down

My vacaton withdrawl is almost gone but my Tiffster withdrawl is an angry red. I didnt think it was possible for me to miss her more but I got used to waking up next to her, all the kissing and yes all the sex. We did Pride again this year. Parked at Bartini with some very cool Puerto rican ladies ! But heres the sucky...
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My new in-laws are the BEST!!! And Ohio is fun actually. Who knew? I miss White Castle and Skyline chilli and Kings Island. SOn o BEAST ROX!!
Long time no blog, eh? Work has been crazier than a rifleman in a clock towerand its not like anyone reads this anyway.... Soooooooo....um yeah thats about it....
ok, so after a loved one's week long stay in the hospital, all is well....for now....
I had a lengthy heart to heart with my Pop. Things larned from h2h.
1. My Mom was 6 months pregnant with me when they went to a KISS concert.
2. They had tickets to see the Doobie brothers the night I was born.
3. He's still in touch...
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I had a lengthy heart to heart with my Pop. Things larned from h2h.
1. My Mom was 6 months pregnant with me when they went to a KISS concert.
2. They had tickets to see the Doobie brothers the night I was born.
3. He's still in touch...
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happy birthday lady
have fun today
have fun today

Yeeeehawwww!!! 2 nights of Rodeo action in a row!!! Melissa Etheridge is a GODDESS!!! A FUCKING ROCKSTAR GODDESS!!!!! I kneel before thee, Melissa!!!