Well, shit. I had another seizure at work today so obviously my new meds arent working. Im not sure what I should do now. At this point I don't know if i will ever be siezure free. Ill probably just have to deal with them for the rest of my life. I guess I better get used to public transportation.
On the plus side, once they take me off of the Lamictal, I'll be able to drink again.
On the plus side, once they take me off of the Lamictal, I'll be able to drink again.

But, he's so concerned about liver disease that most of the time he forgets to take his meds and winds up having a seizure at work or some other godawful place.
Liver disease? Hell, he breathes paint for a living, I don't think the liver's his problem. hah
I do hope you find something to work.