Wierd. My dad, who is normally really chill about everything, went completely apeshit on me yesterday. He started yelling at me saying that my friends are whats wrong with the world and that anybody like them is never allowed in the house again. Well, Im a lot like my friends, so I guess that meant me too. I just walked out last night and havent been back to talk to him. Im hoping that if I give him a few days to chill, this will all blow over. If not, I dont know what Im going to do. My sister is a bitch and we never talk, my mom is psychotic so we never talk, am I going to have to add my dad to that list? I hope not. He was pretty much the only family I had left and he's the only one helping me through school. Without his help, my life is pretty much over.
Crisis averted. Now Im going to get a new car.
Crisis averted. Now Im going to get a new car.

hope that all blew over by now..........