Yay, a happy update.
I have decided that the engineers who cant deal with my long hair can go fuck themselves. I have been to 3 parties in the last 6 days and had more people than I can remember compliment my hair.
The first party was the birthday party for a Mines girl I really like. We had a keg and other various drinks and played kings cup - good time. The next party was in Boulder. It was a theme party where we had to dress up as a 'high school steriotype.' I wore my red tux and said I was a pimp. What? Didn't your high school have a resident pimp?
Again - a fun time.
Last night, I was in Ft Collins at my friends new house. She is a dancer/theatre geek and has moved in with several other dancers/singers/theatre geeks. Somehow, one of the girls there decided that everyone had to dance, including the mechanics and engineers like me.
That was... uhh... interseting. I am NOT a dancer, yet somehow they got enough alcohol in me to get me to salsa. As a total wallflower in highschool, I never experienced dancing, and all of a sudden here is this
dancer I JUST met who keeps telling me to get closer to her. Closer? Im already about 5 times closer to you than I think I should be.
That party kept getting better when someone dubbed me 'jesus' and decided that I give the best back rubs ever. Then every girl there wanted to get a 'holy massage.' What a night.
Today, I went to see 'Big River' at the Buell Theatre. Wow, what a show. It was presented by a group that does theatre for the deaf so everyone was signing while they were singing. Several of the actors were deaf as well. It made for an amazing show since the sign language looked to me like amazingly choreographed dancing. If you get a chance to see it, DO. It was awesome.
I hope everyone else is having a good time too. Yay Summer.
I forgot to add: I stickered the drink machine at Illegal Pete's, but I didnt have my camera.

I have decided that the engineers who cant deal with my long hair can go fuck themselves. I have been to 3 parties in the last 6 days and had more people than I can remember compliment my hair.

Last night, I was in Ft Collins at my friends new house. She is a dancer/theatre geek and has moved in with several other dancers/singers/theatre geeks. Somehow, one of the girls there decided that everyone had to dance, including the mechanics and engineers like me.

Today, I went to see 'Big River' at the Buell Theatre. Wow, what a show. It was presented by a group that does theatre for the deaf so everyone was signing while they were singing. Several of the actors were deaf as well. It made for an amazing show since the sign language looked to me like amazingly choreographed dancing. If you get a chance to see it, DO. It was awesome.

I hope everyone else is having a good time too. Yay Summer.
I forgot to add: I stickered the drink machine at Illegal Pete's, but I didnt have my camera.
i'll recatch him before i move though. muahaha.