Jeez, I never realized that engineering involved so much sitting around and doing nothing. I need 2 fittings welded before I can do anything else on my rig and we only have one person who can do the welding. (well, I could probably do the welding, but it wouldn't be as perfect or as shiny as his welds, and I wouldn't trust my welds to hold super-critical methane at 1000PSI and 800C) Since he has been busy for the last few days, I have had nothing to do. At first it was nice, but now I'm getting so bored and I feel guilty about how little work I have been doing. Bleh, there has to be something to do around here....
I'm not going to get any real rest until after the end of the fiscal year (Jan. 31st) believe me when I say this:
Take full advantage of your downtime. Trust me...when shit does hit the fan @ your job, you'll think of days like today when you're kicking back. I wonder if they'll let you have some some Irish "Coffee" @ work
Take it easy bro...for me! *waves*