Any political science people out there? I need to write a paper on functionalism/neofunctionalism, Europeanization, and the evolution and regional integration of the EU. It would be nice to have someone to talk to to clarify some of this stuff. The book we have is quite possibly the most dry book I have ever read. In fact, even worse than my thermo book.
Also - still looking for leads on chemical engineering jobs.
So today I took a break from reading the driest book ever to go watch the Daytona 500 at my neighbors house. Even though I think NASCAR is the lamest form of racing, I have to admit it was pretty exciting.
The end was intense. With just a few laps to go there was a big wreck and the race was stopped while the track got cleaned up. Once it restarted, there were only 3 laps left. Green flag, white flag, checkered flag. For the third and second to last laps not much happened but then on the FINAL lap, 7th place jumps out to the outside, gets a bump from behind and starts overtaking the pack. In the final turn everything starts going to hell after 3rd place loses control and the cars start piling up except for 1 and 2 and with about a quarter mile left, second becomes first and wins the Daytona 500 by about 3 feet, less than 2 hundredths of a second if I remember right. Awesome.
After that I came home and read another chapter in this book and decided, to hell with this, I'm gonna find what I can on google. Turns out, theres some stuff on wikipedia I might be able to use if I can sort it all out. Though my senior design prof would probably have an anurism if he knew I was using wikipedia as a source.
Edit: Writing this paper is so boring I just got distracted by clipping my toenails.

Also - still looking for leads on chemical engineering jobs.
So today I took a break from reading the driest book ever to go watch the Daytona 500 at my neighbors house. Even though I think NASCAR is the lamest form of racing, I have to admit it was pretty exciting.

Edit: Writing this paper is so boring I just got distracted by clipping my toenails.

Oh man, I have two papers due tomorrow too so I know how that is. Good luck.