Yesterday I finished up my classes for the semester. Came home, went over to the neighbors, and celebrated for about 6 hours. I cant wait till next wednesday when I finish my finals.
A while back I got a really nice deck off of Ebay for my car, but the guy that sent ti to me didn't pack it really well and UPS out here always beats the shit out of stuff. So now I am trying to figure out if I can make it work. Its a $550 deck I got for $160 but I've already had to buy a new wiring harness for $45 and I dont know how much more I want to spend. It has a few minor issues right now, but I hope I can fix those by doing a proper job of wiring instead of just throwing things together. After that, if it still has issues, any ideas where I can take it for repairs? I really dont have the cash to get a new one.

A while back I got a really nice deck off of Ebay for my car, but the guy that sent ti to me didn't pack it really well and UPS out here always beats the shit out of stuff. So now I am trying to figure out if I can make it work. Its a $550 deck I got for $160 but I've already had to buy a new wiring harness for $45 and I dont know how much more I want to spend. It has a few minor issues right now, but I hope I can fix those by doing a proper job of wiring instead of just throwing things together. After that, if it still has issues, any ideas where I can take it for repairs? I really dont have the cash to get a new one.
I'm so jealous that you guys are done with school. I still have 2 weeks!
How did chem go?