So here I am at 14060 feet. My body hates me but I have never felt better. The jets are so close up here. At best guess its 7 degrees, with wind chill its minus 10. I didnt bring enough clothes.
About an hour later:
Wow. A couple other hikers came up while I was hunkered down. They graciously offered me some of their coffee that was amazingly still hot. Going pee up here is almost unbareable though. Another hour till Eddie should be back. My nose is so fuct from the cold that its starting to bleed. My pluse is really slow it seems too.
The altitude was doing wierd things to me. I was seeing lights in my eyes up on the summit and at times I couldnt really tell which parts of me were cold or warm. Everything just blurred together.
Pics (I wish I could upload bigger pics)
Thats where we're going:
On top of the world.
Now I am going to go pass the fuck out.
here's a magazine I thought you might find interstingMake I'm not so electronically inclined so of the stuff looks really cool
BTW: It's called altitude least it doesn't sound like you had HACE! I love how the altitude does crazy things to your brain!!