How old is too old to still be dependent on your parents? 18, right? If so, I have been failing horribly. For the last 3 years, I have been free-loading almost exclusively off of my dad. He pays for my car insurance, my medications, even my rent in a backward way. I havent had to work to do anything so far. This may seem ideal but I really hate it. I still feel like a fucking high-schooler. But I think thats pretty much all I am. I'm still a virgin, I dont have a job, I have almost no social skills, I hate my classes, and my parents still support me. Im just a 20 year old high schooler. My dad says that what should matter to me is getting through school, but what good is all the knowledge in the world if I dont have the social skills to even live on my own. I would like to be able to do that, but I'm such a lazy unmotovated bastard that it wont ever happen unless its forced. I need my dad to just cut me off and force me to deal with life. Right now, I just got a $120 speeding ticket, and I spent all my rent money on concert tickets, but I know that in the end all I have to do is beg my dad for money and he'll cough it up. I need to be forced to learn self reliance. "Dont ever rely on someone else to support you, you never know when they might run out."
Ill probably leave this up for a while as a reminder.
Ill probably leave this up for a while as a reminder.
this is eddie now. you still suck eggs and ass for being role playing in loveland instead of here. (you missed some tits)
this is dana.... there weren't really any tits. but beer pong is just getting started, so who knows what'll happen after that...