Crazy party last night. I'm up in the Fort at a friends house with an absolutely exorbitant amount of weed and a bunch of beers. Partys starting good and we're all having a good time until another friend comes over with someone new. Jesus christ, this guy was TRASHED. And he was the most annoying drunk I have ever seen. He actually managed to fall over and kick someone in the head in the process. We were trying to figure out where the fuck Megan found this guy. Turns out she only knows him from myspace and had never met him before last night. Both of them got totally trashed and then got a ride over to the guys house. They were making out the whole way there so god only knows what happened then. Seriously, what the hell? She should know you can never trust all those crazys on the internet.

internet perverts!
Seems to be going around... maybe there's some kind of strange fire-starter virus in the water....