2 years ago I decided I wanted to grow out my hair. It went through a stage where it was a natural afro, then a period where I looked like carrot top, then finally into long wavy hair that I loved. 5 months ago I had 2 of my friends put my hair into dreads. At first they looked great. I liked them but they were slowly growing out. After several weeks of total neglect due to the massive amout of work at the end of the semester, they were dead.
Earlier today I finally bit the bullet and had my hair cut for the first time in 31 months. The stylist I went to did a very good job and managed to leave me with about an inch and a half of my hair. I'm not totally bald but i feel like an entirely new man. I'm not yet sure if that's a good thing though. Only time will tell. Today I will begin again the long process of growing my hair out long enough to scare children.
On a positive note - FINALS ARE OVER WITH.

I feel very confident in my performance in Thermo and German, I was doing well in Fluids but that final was brutal, P Chem was also pretty solid going into the final and since it was my final final [he he] I really couldn't make myself give a shit.
An approximate sample of one of the essay questions I answered:
Q) The wavefunctions for the hydrogen atom can be expressed as both real and complex functions. Why are both forms acceptable and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using either?
My answer: Well, wave functions extend into imaginary space but we dont really care about imaginary space, do we? Im sure the math ends up a lot easier if we use real number in it.
That was the entirety of my answer for a one page essay question.

Man it feels good to be free.
See all you guys at coffee tonight?
pic please......and uh, brilliant essay answer!!
By the way, I REALLY like your hair cut short like that. I think it looks totally rad. Well done. Well done.