Well, I got brutally ass-raped by my thermo exam yesterday but after talking to several other people who took it, it would seem that I did rather well. The entire exam was a total load of shit. Every question fed directly off of the previous question so as soon as you screw up one question, the whole rest of the exam is wrong. Even worse, we have covered over 300 pages in the book but the exam only covered 2 minor sub-topics that compose maybe 4 pages in the book. 1 topic was lectured on once, the other was never lectured on at all. Several students are considering bringing an official complaint to the department head.
At best, I got a 30%. Heres hoping for a large curve.
Anyway, now that midterms are over, I should have a much lighter load until finals. This weekend is our homecoming/fall break so I will have some time to party in the Fort and work on my car. Three full days of relaxation.

At best, I got a 30%. Heres hoping for a large curve.
Anyway, now that midterms are over, I should have a much lighter load until finals. This weekend is our homecoming/fall break so I will have some time to party in the Fort and work on my car. Three full days of relaxation.
