Apparently the pharmacy gave me Placebo Allegra instead of the real stuff. Full-on allergies here. In fact, at work someone said "you look tired." Great, thanks, EXACTLY what I wanted to hear when I was planning to meet someone 11 years younger tonite. God, how is it that he's 11 years younger?? I certainly don't feel that much older than 24.
BUT! I've been blown off! Got an email from Mr. Witty today saying he has a paper due and needed to meet with his professor during her office hours, which were during the time he & I were going to meet (& then I had other plans after that). Ah yes, the always-inconvenient inaccessibility of the wily professor. Office hours, shmoffice hours, why can't they be available ALL THE TIME, at every student's beck and call?! Really, they should just wear pagers so students can reach them at any time of the day or nite.
In other news, I had my annual review at work today. In the past I always got the "exceeded expectations" (best) rating in almost all categories. I'd probably put myself in the "above expectations" rather than the "exceeded" category, but really, I am actually doing pretty well in my career. And last year was my best year so far, researchwise. Plus I always get good teaching ratings, and in the area of "service/administration," I continue to serve on an important committee that gets me more kudos than the average committee.
But we now have a different person doing our annual reviews, and I was given the "met expectations" rating. This is like the C rating rather than an A or B. ??!! It's pretty discouraging when your best year so far is given your lowest rating so far. Sigh. So much of academia is so goddamn capricious. Sucks when it affects important things such as, oh, keeping a job. But don't worry, I've got an excellent Plan B. If the research thing doesn't work out, I'm going to develop a porn empire. No, not starring in it, but producing and directing. I've got all kinds of marketing ideas, too. Doesn't that sound fun? Any volunteers for the R & D dept?
BUT! I've been blown off! Got an email from Mr. Witty today saying he has a paper due and needed to meet with his professor during her office hours, which were during the time he & I were going to meet (& then I had other plans after that). Ah yes, the always-inconvenient inaccessibility of the wily professor. Office hours, shmoffice hours, why can't they be available ALL THE TIME, at every student's beck and call?! Really, they should just wear pagers so students can reach them at any time of the day or nite.

In other news, I had my annual review at work today. In the past I always got the "exceeded expectations" (best) rating in almost all categories. I'd probably put myself in the "above expectations" rather than the "exceeded" category, but really, I am actually doing pretty well in my career. And last year was my best year so far, researchwise. Plus I always get good teaching ratings, and in the area of "service/administration," I continue to serve on an important committee that gets me more kudos than the average committee.
But we now have a different person doing our annual reviews, and I was given the "met expectations" rating. This is like the C rating rather than an A or B. ??!! It's pretty discouraging when your best year so far is given your lowest rating so far. Sigh. So much of academia is so goddamn capricious. Sucks when it affects important things such as, oh, keeping a job. But don't worry, I've got an excellent Plan B. If the research thing doesn't work out, I'm going to develop a porn empire. No, not starring in it, but producing and directing. I've got all kinds of marketing ideas, too. Doesn't that sound fun? Any volunteers for the R & D dept?

You should see the other pics.
Your right maybe we should work in close concert concerning the R&D. I have a few ideas Id like to touch base on.
See you have everyone worked up.