Craigslist update . . . But first, since I have pledged my sugar mama luv to MrStars, we are hereby renaming Bachelors 1 3, Bachelors 2 4.
Ive met Bachelor #4, aka Mr. Homebody! We got together for drinks before we met up with our respective friends last nite. It took us a while to find our conversation groove, but we finally clicked when we started talking cars. I like cars that are fun to drive, and Ive always driven a stick-shift (more fun). My car (the 5-door) isnt anything exotic, but its quick & fun. And he drives an eclipse . . . ooooh I wanna drive his car!
But Im not sure if things are going work for us. Weve had such different life experiences, and it seems like hes had such a sheltered life, having lived in one town his whole life and never having been on a plane. But then, Im not looking for anything long-term or serious right now, and it does seem like he might be a late bloomer - he IS a computer geek after all!
(note: this is not a bad thing, Im a geek & I like geeks). So Im not ruling him out just yet. Plus, I haven't driven his car yet!
Im meeting Bachelor #2, Mr. Witty, Tuesday nite. Hes very witty in emails, but he wasnt witty on the phone. In fact, the phone conversation was kind of awkward. There were long pauses and he didnt respond to my witty flirtations with witticisms of his own. Is he really the one whos been writing those emails?
Maybe the inperson meeting will be better . . .

Ive met Bachelor #4, aka Mr. Homebody! We got together for drinks before we met up with our respective friends last nite. It took us a while to find our conversation groove, but we finally clicked when we started talking cars. I like cars that are fun to drive, and Ive always driven a stick-shift (more fun). My car (the 5-door) isnt anything exotic, but its quick & fun. And he drives an eclipse . . . ooooh I wanna drive his car!
But Im not sure if things are going work for us. Weve had such different life experiences, and it seems like hes had such a sheltered life, having lived in one town his whole life and never having been on a plane. But then, Im not looking for anything long-term or serious right now, and it does seem like he might be a late bloomer - he IS a computer geek after all!

Im meeting Bachelor #2, Mr. Witty, Tuesday nite. Hes very witty in emails, but he wasnt witty on the phone. In fact, the phone conversation was kind of awkward. There were long pauses and he didnt respond to my witty flirtations with witticisms of his own. Is he really the one whos been writing those emails?

Thanks for sharing the luv, I can use it right now.
What dates are you traveling there?
Did I mention you look extremely alluring in your profile pic? Your antenna are the perkiest I can recall, your Quarks really have me quaking. Im sure you hear this from all the boys.