REJECTION! It looks like the olive branch o friendship is being rejected by my ex. Maybe hes taking the whole weekend to mull things over, but it doesnt look promising. Oh well, disappointing, but not that big a deal. Here are a couple of much worse, sex-related rejection stories for your reading pleasure . . .
1. A friend of mine was getting married in a different city. Her wedding was on a Friday, and my boyfriend and I decided to spend the whole weekend there after her wedding. So we flew out there, went to the wedding, and then that Saturday morning, we were lying around in bed trying to decide what to do that day. I crawled on top of him and said I know what we could do . . .
. . . and he broke up with me!
Turns out he had met someone else, but had felt obligated to go to this wedding with me. If getting dumped while trying to initiate sex wasnt bad enough, we still had to spend the rest of the weekend together!!
2. This guy and I had gone out a couple of times and hadnt had sex yet. We went out and ended up back at my place. We were messing around, and were right on The Brink of Sex, so I got out a condom. I got it out of its wrapper and was looking at it to figure out which way was up, and he said this isnt going to work. My brain really didnt comprehend those words at that time, and I was pretty goal-oriented right then, so I kept looking at the condom. He said again, this isnt going to work, got up, got dressed, apologized, and left . . . leaving me sitting there, still holding the condom and saying wha . . . ?? But . . . wha . . . ?? True story.
Thank god Im resilient!
1. A friend of mine was getting married in a different city. Her wedding was on a Friday, and my boyfriend and I decided to spend the whole weekend there after her wedding. So we flew out there, went to the wedding, and then that Saturday morning, we were lying around in bed trying to decide what to do that day. I crawled on top of him and said I know what we could do . . .

. . . and he broke up with me!

2. This guy and I had gone out a couple of times and hadnt had sex yet. We went out and ended up back at my place. We were messing around, and were right on The Brink of Sex, so I got out a condom. I got it out of its wrapper and was looking at it to figure out which way was up, and he said this isnt going to work. My brain really didnt comprehend those words at that time, and I was pretty goal-oriented right then, so I kept looking at the condom. He said again, this isnt going to work, got up, got dressed, apologized, and left . . . leaving me sitting there, still holding the condom and saying wha . . . ?? But . . . wha . . . ?? True story.
Thank god Im resilient!

HAHAHAHAHA!! You youngsters have no idea. Im on the downward slope of forty and my Buick needs a jump start. Wonder whats going on at the student union tonightummm..
Thanks for the chuckle.