One of the things that sucks about a break up is you not only lose a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, etc., but you also lose a good friend. The two of you likely had similar interests before you met, and then you developed all of that shared couple history. After the break up, youll see or hear something and think, I should tell him about that, only to realize oh, wait, I cant.

Ive developed friendships with exs with varying degrees of success. An ex and I who had dated a little over a year managed to have a good friendship for 2 years. But then he got engaged and stopped returning my calls. Did his fiance make him stop talking to me? Did he feel uncomfortable talking to me once he got engaged? I dunno.
So today I extended an olive branch to an ex of sorts. Hes an ex of sorts because he was more of a friend with benefits than anything else. About a month ago he stopped returning my calls. Did he meet someone he wants to be serious with? Was the FWB thing no longer working for him? I dunno. But I enjoyed his friendship, and today I read something that made me think of him. So I sent him an email telling him about it and asking if we could be friends. Well see what happens . . .

BTW, Hello!