So I started a topic in the Geezers group about how I used to lie about my age, and it turns out that I am in the super minority unpopular opinion group that seems to exist of me and . . . well, me. Wow, who knew? I guess everyone except me.
Im slowly but surely getting over the feeling that everyone over there views me as immature and untrustworthy. But now Im kind of self-conscious about what I write here, because Im a geek that way. Umm, lets see, whats new. The most recent grant I submitted to NIH was reviewed yesterday, but its score hasnt been posted yet so I dont know if Ill get the $$ or not. Getting $$ out of NIH is like getting blood from a stone I swear to god. I had a minor career crisis last year and interviewed for a job there, might as well work where the money is. But then I realized Id really be happier in the job I already have, so here I am begging them for money again. Writing grants is my least favorite part of my job, but I really enjoy everything else I do, which not everyone can say. Im definitely lucky that way.
Thank god NIH didnt ask me about my views on lying about your age!

Im slowly but surely getting over the feeling that everyone over there views me as immature and untrustworthy. But now Im kind of self-conscious about what I write here, because Im a geek that way. Umm, lets see, whats new. The most recent grant I submitted to NIH was reviewed yesterday, but its score hasnt been posted yet so I dont know if Ill get the $$ or not. Getting $$ out of NIH is like getting blood from a stone I swear to god. I had a minor career crisis last year and interviewed for a job there, might as well work where the money is. But then I realized Id really be happier in the job I already have, so here I am begging them for money again. Writing grants is my least favorite part of my job, but I really enjoy everything else I do, which not everyone can say. Im definitely lucky that way.
Thank god NIH didnt ask me about my views on lying about your age!

You should take it as a compliment so many people responded, their options are just that options. My option is just that as well and my generalization does not reflect my option of you.
SG is actually a pretty cool place, you fit in here.
sorry i havent spoke in a while ive done nothing vut fucking slave away at work.
the only thing i can say is
STRESS LESS, so you lied about your age and what.
i used to lie about mine all the time, i think your cool and always will. even though im still waiting for that picture in my email folder but hey. i just left a comment in latexx's journal about the pic thing you should so put on disguises and be like superman or batman and live two lives one as a teacher and the other as sg super people, it would be so cool. i wouldnt just put on glasses though clarke kent's disguise was shit as shit disguises go. at least batman covers his face!!!
so i hope you get your $$ its always good to get money.
talk soon yea.
[Edited on Mar 26, 2005 12:07AM]