Enough of that negative/whiny blog, here's a new and improved one.
I'm going to New Orleans! I have yet another conference there, and this conference pretty much sucks. I don't really know anyone who goes to it, and I'm usually interested in maybe 1 of the talks. The only reason I'm going is b/c it's prestigious to give a presentation there, and one of my collaborators thought we had a good chance of getting our abstract accepted as a presentation. And we didn't, it was accepted as a poster (lame).
In any case, I love New Orleans. I've been there before, but that visit was heavy on the drinking, eating, and sporting-related events, so I didn't do much sightseeing (other than many fine dining and drinking establishments, which is not a bad way to sightsee). This time, I'll pretty much be on my own so I think I will make up for my sightseeing deficit. I'm going to take one of those ghost tours for sure, plus visit the Voodoo Museum. The Pharmacy Museum looks good too b/c I like medical history. What else should I do? Where should I eat?
One thing I'm definitely going to do is to try to find this psychic I visited last time I was there. Now, being a scientist, I have an odd ambivalence about nonscientific stuff. There's a part of me (the part that pays the bills
) that wants to see empirical evidence before believing in something. BUT I have always maintained that we might not have the scientific tools to measure every phenomenon in the universe. I mean, no one believed in cells or atoms until we developed ways of seeing them. So I am perfectly willing to accept the fact that things like god(s), ghosts, and psychic ability may actually exist, and we just don't have a way of providing scientific evidence for them.
So back to this psychic. Based on my Tarot cards, he predicted a pretty horrible time was ahead for me. I didn't put much stock in this at the time b/c my life had been relatively easy up to that point, how could it get horribly worse? Oh. My. God. You probably remember what happened: a dark, dark period of my life that included a serious accident requiring hospitalization, 3 surgeries in a little over 3 months, 2 other less serious accidents that resulted in yet another injury + loss of my car for 2 months, the death of a beloved pet, the loss of an activity that gave me joy (don't underestimate this), and god, I can't remember what else. I don't really WANT to remember what else! It was just calamity after calamity everywhere I turned, it was ridiculous. So I'd like to find that psychic again. I'm a little afraid of getting another reading, but I'd certainly like to tell him what happened.
Alright, so what/where else should I see/do/dine/drink in New Orleans?
I'm going to New Orleans! I have yet another conference there, and this conference pretty much sucks. I don't really know anyone who goes to it, and I'm usually interested in maybe 1 of the talks. The only reason I'm going is b/c it's prestigious to give a presentation there, and one of my collaborators thought we had a good chance of getting our abstract accepted as a presentation. And we didn't, it was accepted as a poster (lame).
In any case, I love New Orleans. I've been there before, but that visit was heavy on the drinking, eating, and sporting-related events, so I didn't do much sightseeing (other than many fine dining and drinking establishments, which is not a bad way to sightsee). This time, I'll pretty much be on my own so I think I will make up for my sightseeing deficit. I'm going to take one of those ghost tours for sure, plus visit the Voodoo Museum. The Pharmacy Museum looks good too b/c I like medical history. What else should I do? Where should I eat?
One thing I'm definitely going to do is to try to find this psychic I visited last time I was there. Now, being a scientist, I have an odd ambivalence about nonscientific stuff. There's a part of me (the part that pays the bills

So back to this psychic. Based on my Tarot cards, he predicted a pretty horrible time was ahead for me. I didn't put much stock in this at the time b/c my life had been relatively easy up to that point, how could it get horribly worse? Oh. My. God. You probably remember what happened: a dark, dark period of my life that included a serious accident requiring hospitalization, 3 surgeries in a little over 3 months, 2 other less serious accidents that resulted in yet another injury + loss of my car for 2 months, the death of a beloved pet, the loss of an activity that gave me joy (don't underestimate this), and god, I can't remember what else. I don't really WANT to remember what else! It was just calamity after calamity everywhere I turned, it was ridiculous. So I'd like to find that psychic again. I'm a little afraid of getting another reading, but I'd certainly like to tell him what happened.
Alright, so what/where else should I see/do/dine/drink in New Orleans?
Also: I feel the same way about ghosts that you do about psychics. My wife wants to stay in a haunted hotel at some point - but I figure, why tempt fate?