Hey guys,
I haven't been able to try spray painting a lot since I was either busy with my laptop or the weather was not good enough.
Last week, I recieved some threats saying they had "bad" stuff on me and they were about to release it. At first, I thought that I did go somewhere I shouldn't have (I have a tendency of trying to penetrate random networks). I did scan and looked through all the processes that was running on my laptop but I didn't find anything. Since I'm a bit paranoid with that, I decided to completely wipe my disk and start again and I also decided to go all-in on security and tried to either install ParrotOs or Kali Linux. I been trying to install one of those for the last 4 days and finally been able to install ParrotOs. I haven't tried some of the tools yet but I'm definitely glad I installed this one.
I did been able to find an IP and a country about the threats but I'm pretty sure they used proxies and VPN so I haven't tried anything since they just randomly stopped. I presume they don't have much informations other than email, name and an old password that I don't use anymore. They probably been able to catch informations from an old database that didn't encrypt anything.
I'll try to post the stuff I did with spray paint soon.