You would think that moment for me would have been after having my first child....or maybe after the second? But it was when my mother died that I officially knew I was stepping up into her shoes as an adult. I had relied so much on my mother's help with everything, and without her I only had myself to get anything done. And I had to learn to remember every appointment, my constant changing schedule at my new job, every event coming up, keeping up to date on sales at stores, items that were running low within the house, having to pay every bill by myself and learning to manage my money to make sure I don't over spend on something....etc.
So that one calendar in the house I would never look at now have became my only way to keep track of everything, and having to write reminders on my phone also kept me afloat. I used to always think in the past especially after having my first child that I was finally stepping into a role of being an adult, but now that it's officially been a year since her death I know better.
NOW I'm an adult.
I do so much on my own and it's not at all easy but I'm proud of myself for never falling apart and keeping everything together. I don't know why as children we idolize growing up being able to "adult" things, there's hardly anything fun about LOL.