I wonder what's for dinner tonight .. I can hardly wait to find out.
final travel plans have been made .. people will be waiting at specific times in specific places. I guess I'll really have to go. that's not such a bad thing, since the thermometer seems to have a hard time spinning it's hand very far up the dial these days. running to a warmer climate is priority number one these days..
run run run!!
final travel plans have been made .. people will be waiting at specific times in specific places. I guess I'll really have to go. that's not such a bad thing, since the thermometer seems to have a hard time spinning it's hand very far up the dial these days. running to a warmer climate is priority number one these days..
run run run!!
thats the way nature likes it i guess.. hah, always have to keep people hoping for something better.
wow, - so hows maine? besides freezing? - did you ever meet the girl your mom wanted you to meet? how was it? ..and yes, this is 50 questions