got a new computer... actaully its my old compurer, the first desktop i ever bought myself because my parents was driving me crazy. it was a few years ago, and then i bought my laptop and gave the desktop to my parents, because i couldnt stand sharing my computer with them any more. my mom is a morning person, so shed be up at 5am on the computer in my bedroom... yeah, that was when i was in university. 5am was something ungodly to me. i get up at 6 now, which is reasonable, but still... someone clicking on computer keys while you try to sleep is a hell. so anyway, i gave them this desktop and they pretty much ripped it apart. 4 children, now age 10, 11, 13, and 14 (then 8, 9, 11 and 12) had no idea what they were doing and it became incredibly bogged down with shit. they had someone come in and clean it out, but it didnt help much. then my husband randy went and tried to clean it up a bit for them, and that helped a bit.... finally though, it crapped out. they got us to buy them a new desktop, the cheapest possible. they didnt need a screen because they had the old one, but we bought the nice 20'' flatscreen for ourselves, at the package price. so anyway, randy set up the new desktop, and we got the old one. it wouldnt even turn on (turns out there was a power surge!) but my genious husband fixed this one and it runs good as new! new harddrive makes a huge difference.
and now thatgenious husband of mine is making pizza for dinnah! yum.
we got a free case of beer yesterday... randy's boss gave him a cupon. i put it in my pocket and went grocery shopping. then we went to the beer store and the cupon was gone
but then i remembered that randy had called me when i was in the store so probably it just fell out. so we went back to the grocery store, and i found it!! i was so happy i wasnt lazy, usually i am. usually id say fuck it, but come on, this was free beer! a 2-4.yay me.
ive been on vacation since canada day, july 1. i worked monday and took the rest of the week off. i hate wooork. i want to be home all the time. it was an awesome week. randy worked but he gets off early so we had a lot of time together. i drove him to work a couple days, and picked him up yesterday. i got up early most days, spent lots of time walking my doggy, and went shopping with my sister. it was a great week.
im really broke now though, ha. but im really happy anyway. ive kind of realized, even though its stressful being broke, everything that i have in my life is because i WANT it. i have this apartment, a car, randy, my puppy, my kitty, all my ikea shit, painting supplies, clothes... booze, food.... everything i have is awesome! i could be a lot worse off. my job sucks, but whatever. im young
ive got time. i am thinking of getting a part time job. cutting down at the bank and picking up a bit somewhere else. i want to work at the library, and im working on it. its a huge process. so many levels of interviewing. i had a test, they will call me withing a week whether or not i get an interview...
ahhh, yeah. monday im back to work. still i work early shifts a lot these days, so thats good. i have a lot of time in the afternoon to chill.
im on this site a lot, i just never write, and i never comment. i duno, im just not like that for some reason. i like the pictures, i like reading blogs... but it would be nice to make some friends i spose, hehe....
i have no pictures on this compy... my laptop is resting, the stupid power cord is loose, and the battery doesnt work, so its annoying to use, constantly turning off.
im drawing more, i just bought a bunch of supplies. painting too...
anwayyyyyyy... im going to try to write here more often.
au revoire
got a new computer... actaully its my old compurer, the first desktop i ever bought myself because my parents was driving me crazy. it was a few years ago, and then i bought my laptop and gave the desktop to my parents, because i couldnt stand sharing my computer with them any more. my mom is a morning person, so shed be up at 5am on the computer in my bedroom... yeah, that was when i was in university. 5am was something ungodly to me. i get up at 6 now, which is reasonable, but still... someone clicking on computer keys while you try to sleep is a hell. so anyway, i gave them this desktop and they pretty much ripped it apart. 4 children, now age 10, 11, 13, and 14 (then 8, 9, 11 and 12) had no idea what they were doing and it became incredibly bogged down with shit. they had someone come in and clean it out, but it didnt help much. then my husband randy went and tried to clean it up a bit for them, and that helped a bit.... finally though, it crapped out. they got us to buy them a new desktop, the cheapest possible. they didnt need a screen because they had the old one, but we bought the nice 20'' flatscreen for ourselves, at the package price. so anyway, randy set up the new desktop, and we got the old one. it wouldnt even turn on (turns out there was a power surge!) but my genious husband fixed this one and it runs good as new! new harddrive makes a huge difference.
and now thatgenious husband of mine is making pizza for dinnah! yum.
we got a free case of beer yesterday... randy's boss gave him a cupon. i put it in my pocket and went grocery shopping. then we went to the beer store and the cupon was gone

ive been on vacation since canada day, july 1. i worked monday and took the rest of the week off. i hate wooork. i want to be home all the time. it was an awesome week. randy worked but he gets off early so we had a lot of time together. i drove him to work a couple days, and picked him up yesterday. i got up early most days, spent lots of time walking my doggy, and went shopping with my sister. it was a great week.
im really broke now though, ha. but im really happy anyway. ive kind of realized, even though its stressful being broke, everything that i have in my life is because i WANT it. i have this apartment, a car, randy, my puppy, my kitty, all my ikea shit, painting supplies, clothes... booze, food.... everything i have is awesome! i could be a lot worse off. my job sucks, but whatever. im young

ahhh, yeah. monday im back to work. still i work early shifts a lot these days, so thats good. i have a lot of time in the afternoon to chill.
im on this site a lot, i just never write, and i never comment. i duno, im just not like that for some reason. i like the pictures, i like reading blogs... but it would be nice to make some friends i spose, hehe....
i have no pictures on this compy... my laptop is resting, the stupid power cord is loose, and the battery doesnt work, so its annoying to use, constantly turning off.
im drawing more, i just bought a bunch of supplies. painting too...
anwayyyyyyy... im going to try to write here more often.
au revoire