im going to the chocolate factory today... the one in smiths falls that theyre going to close sometime. my great grandfather worked there after he retired from his farm. iiinteresting. then im going to the beach, woot, and theeeeeeeeeen im going to the port elmsley drive in. anyone in the ottawa area should know about it. its the only drive in around. its a bit over an hour away, i think you take the 417 to the 7 and then turn somewhere, i dont know. its http://www.portelmsleydrivein.com/ i youre interested.
married life is so far excellent. its complicated for us really, since randy is still not allowed to work in canada and we have roomates, so its kind of a weird situation. but im working enough and supporting us for now and we are having a good time.
the weather is finally nice up here, so im going to go out and enjoy it.
here is a picture of my bleeding. (look closely, muhah)
im going to the chocolate factory today... the one in smiths falls that theyre going to close sometime. my great grandfather worked there after he retired from his farm. iiinteresting. then im going to the beach, woot, and theeeeeeeeeen im going to the port elmsley drive in. anyone in the ottawa area should know about it. its the only drive in around. its a bit over an hour away, i think you take the 417 to the 7 and then turn somewhere, i dont know. its http://www.portelmsleydrivein.com/ i youre interested.
married life is so far excellent. its complicated for us really, since randy is still not allowed to work in canada and we have roomates, so its kind of a weird situation. but im working enough and supporting us for now and we are having a good time.
the weather is finally nice up here, so im going to go out and enjoy it.
here is a picture of my bleeding. (look closely, muhah)