hello beautiful
how are you?
love your matching tattoos smile
thats such a nice comment from you, you seemed lovely yourself i may say
maybe we can be friends who knows, i know distance sucks.. believe me im a master on that, i hate living here, its so far away and it pretty much sucks but what can i do..
i have a three day weekend. im in the middle of it right now. i havent drank any coffee today so im getting a headache. i just cleaned the kitchen. mhm.
ive been looking around online the past few weeks for apartments... i dont hate living with my family i just rather get our own place closer in town where i can do my...
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got up early this morning to clean. feels good. i cleaned my bedroom/living room area and the bathroom. i organized some stuff. everything is still kind of all over but oh well, one step at a time.
i stayed up until 1 last night watching six feet under on dvd. thats unheard of for me, watching tv makes me sleepy. i drank an energy drink...
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i did a little - early - spring cleaning a couple of weeks ago, which seemed like a great idea until i was about halfway through hauling everything out of drawers and closets, and then it was too late to turn back. i think it's pretty cathartic, though, to just have a massive clean-out, move everything in your home around a bit, throw lots of crap out that you're not even sure why you HAVE. . .

hope you're doing well - and i hope you get into some serious painting sometime soon. i always dug your work smile
working where you dont belong sucks. i work at a bank and pretending everyday that i like it is fucking sucking the life out of me. the people i work with are nice, the job itself isnt all that bad (except those few choice customers who are the biggest assholes on the planet), the pay is better than what i could be making elsewhere, i...
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i havent had access to internet in over a month... im going to overdose myself tonight i think.
im back living with my parents, only this time im married and me husband is with me and were in the basement and im not in school im working full time... yeeeah randy will be in school in january and i want to save money so here...
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i've had sporadic internet (and computer) access the last couple of weeks since my computer died a death, and it's driving me slowly crazy - it's amazing how necessary that one item of technology becomes in your life, eh.

how is living with your folks? i stayed with my mom for a bit when i first came back to the Uk from sweden and it was always a bit bizarre, i think parents have a tendency to slip back into their old parental roles again rather than to step back and take you for the adult you are, you know?

anyway, enjoy your cookies wink

and, merry christmas, eh smile
A group of us are getting together at the Works on Bank St on Saturday at 7pm. There's an event posted (should show up if you look at your local tab)
Consider yourself invited biggrin
That's on spain (guggenheim bilbao )
it has nothing to do with otawa or with chile tongue
me to its such a beautiful season
I love your hair it's gorgeous!
that looks great - finally get tired of the brown, eh?

hope life's treating you and your fella good smile
so randy is in ohio for a while while he gets everything in order for getting permanent residency in canada.
the application is ready to be sent, i just have to sign it (silly me for not signing it while he was here) and we have to pay the fees. its going to be over $1000 i think in total. hes going to mail me...
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as i have learned from talking with people lately, a lot of people have bad roomate stories...
she used to be my best friend, of course, but now all i can think about is moving out of here and never seeing her again.
its not all the time, i can still talk to her on a superficial level and be...
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