spring ahead!!!
i swear it's out there somewhere!! it has to be!! i'm totally digging the fact that right now it would be pitch black outside....but it's not!
I went to a bar that usually can take 15-20 minutes to get to but since i wasn't driving we took 45 minutes to get there.
actually we didn't get there at all because we couldn't park within walking distance.
the whole night vision horror conventions had bars full of boozers!!!! I got invited to a bar that was giving away 1/2 off drinks with admission tickets...this group of awesome people from michagan came into the store and handed me a flyer for the 'troma' party and offered a drink or two.
This one man they were with kicked hard core ass! he had a green mohawk with his face all tattooed and peircings all over his face like 20 in the eyebrow and 15 around his mouth then he had weights in his ears that dangles his stretched lobes!!!!!!!!!!!oh i give him any points that he wants!!
so we were at this bar... and my clock says one but oh no it's last call...then i went to bed late and lost and hour of sleep....woke up to go to work....and there was crappy snow everywhere!!!!!
but not today!!!!! it was sunny and trying to be warm...ahoy spring!!!
i swear it's out there somewhere!! it has to be!! i'm totally digging the fact that right now it would be pitch black outside....but it's not!
I went to a bar that usually can take 15-20 minutes to get to but since i wasn't driving we took 45 minutes to get there.
actually we didn't get there at all because we couldn't park within walking distance.
the whole night vision horror conventions had bars full of boozers!!!! I got invited to a bar that was giving away 1/2 off drinks with admission tickets...this group of awesome people from michagan came into the store and handed me a flyer for the 'troma' party and offered a drink or two.
This one man they were with kicked hard core ass! he had a green mohawk with his face all tattooed and peircings all over his face like 20 in the eyebrow and 15 around his mouth then he had weights in his ears that dangles his stretched lobes!!!!!!!!!!!oh i give him any points that he wants!!
so we were at this bar... and my clock says one but oh no it's last call...then i went to bed late and lost and hour of sleep....woke up to go to work....and there was crappy snow everywhere!!!!!
but not today!!!!! it was sunny and trying to be warm...ahoy spring!!!
you should, she is cool, i am sure it would be cool with her. that would rock.
pass some nice weather over to me please