Has this happened yet?
If so who?
Would it be like when a rock star dies? Will it hit the news?
Will her blogs and pictures be displayed to reminisce on what an amazing and unique person she was??
Will there be a party? A ceremony? A plaque?
That should be the case I think! Because we are rock stars!
What are your thoughts?
What do you want to happen when you die?
also...there's so much about the universe that hasn't been discovered yet and we're gonna miss it.
they should do stuff for when an SG dies, they should repost all of there sets on the front page, and there should be like some spot on the page that lists the SG's that have passed. i hope to live to be at least 200, with all the advances it should be abele to happen. i want to have a big party, with good beer, irish music, and people dressing up in costumes.