1. Candy, Hypocrisy, and Cigarettes.
2. Realtionships + Coffee
3. Oh, joy!
4. WTF?!
New profile picture -- yes or no?
1. If it's not nicotine that will mark my end -- it will be Ring Pops.
2. They go hand-in-hand, don't they? Choose sweet or bitter, hot or cold, small or large, and with a handful of additives on the side. Everyone has their own preference and price they're willing to pay for something good. Though, there are those few who will overlook the cost every day, not realizing they could have found better coffee down the block, if only they had taken the time to consider different options.
3. Random: The lady-friend I have been writing about had her wisdom teeth pulled, so we're on a hiatus. Also, her best friend's brother seems to have taken a liking to me. Will that pesky guy from Starbucks ever stop talking? Snooty customers flock to me at work like pigeons. One more month and I can enter the chaotic realm of bartending.
4. Could this week get any worse? Monday night I got in a minor accident when this dumb bitch and her dumb bitch friends decided to ignore the stop sign. Then, I come down with a nasty cold/flu that same night and have to call in sick for work. Then, my car tire is flat by morning. THEN, I have to miss all my classes thanks to my car. And T-H-E-N, I spend all day on the phone with insurance people and family. I'm still a little sick -- and all this by fucking Tuesday.
1. Candy, Hypocrisy, and Cigarettes.
2. Realtionships + Coffee
3. Oh, joy!
4. WTF?!
New profile picture -- yes or no?

1. If it's not nicotine that will mark my end -- it will be Ring Pops.
2. They go hand-in-hand, don't they? Choose sweet or bitter, hot or cold, small or large, and with a handful of additives on the side. Everyone has their own preference and price they're willing to pay for something good. Though, there are those few who will overlook the cost every day, not realizing they could have found better coffee down the block, if only they had taken the time to consider different options.
3. Random: The lady-friend I have been writing about had her wisdom teeth pulled, so we're on a hiatus. Also, her best friend's brother seems to have taken a liking to me. Will that pesky guy from Starbucks ever stop talking? Snooty customers flock to me at work like pigeons. One more month and I can enter the chaotic realm of bartending.
4. Could this week get any worse? Monday night I got in a minor accident when this dumb bitch and her dumb bitch friends decided to ignore the stop sign. Then, I come down with a nasty cold/flu that same night and have to call in sick for work. Then, my car tire is flat by morning. THEN, I have to miss all my classes thanks to my car. And T-H-E-N, I spend all day on the phone with insurance people and family. I'm still a little sick -- and all this by fucking Tuesday.
What about this dream?
I text messaged you woman! Don't be a snob and ignore me. I'll catch online sometime, I SUPPOSE.