Let's see:
- I got my new computer and it's all hooked up. It's a rad little bugger that will serve me and my addictions well. I already saved 237 songs on there. That's not even near half of 'em. Oh dear.
- I did absolutely nothing today. NOTHING. It felt great.
- My septum seems to be healing nicely. Let's cross our fingers it's not crooked, yeah?
- I still love New Bethel to pieces.
- I should go look at webcams tomorrow before work.
- I might get to see Rasputina on the 21st. Please, oh please?
- My friend Zach is taking me to see Ani DiFranco for a late birfday gift. Yes.
- I have to start sorting through and packing up Amy's room. I don't know if I can hande it. They're making me do it the day before the 6th. Double fucking whammy. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
- I'm one gauge away from my amber plugs! Only problem is now I want to go larger than that. Sigh.
- A "friend" in a local band wants me to design/paint their album cover. Perhaps.
Okay, I can't think of anything else. Then again, I have a crap memory. You know, for a while I would play that memory game on my phone to try and somehow improve it. Didn't work.
Song of thee minute: New Bethel - "The Ticket"
I don't write poems
or stories
or even coherent paragraphs.
Rather, I paint.
At least that's what I'll tell you.
The truth of the matter
dear reader,
is that I no longer create
for the sake of art
a deadline
or for myself.
I set it aside
boxed it up
and walked away.
- I got my new computer and it's all hooked up. It's a rad little bugger that will serve me and my addictions well. I already saved 237 songs on there. That's not even near half of 'em. Oh dear.
- I did absolutely nothing today. NOTHING. It felt great.
- My septum seems to be healing nicely. Let's cross our fingers it's not crooked, yeah?
- I still love New Bethel to pieces.
- I should go look at webcams tomorrow before work.
- I might get to see Rasputina on the 21st. Please, oh please?
- My friend Zach is taking me to see Ani DiFranco for a late birfday gift. Yes.
- I have to start sorting through and packing up Amy's room. I don't know if I can hande it. They're making me do it the day before the 6th. Double fucking whammy. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
- I'm one gauge away from my amber plugs! Only problem is now I want to go larger than that. Sigh.
- A "friend" in a local band wants me to design/paint their album cover. Perhaps.
Okay, I can't think of anything else. Then again, I have a crap memory. You know, for a while I would play that memory game on my phone to try and somehow improve it. Didn't work.
Song of thee minute: New Bethel - "The Ticket"

I don't write poems
or stories
or even coherent paragraphs.
Rather, I paint.
At least that's what I'll tell you.
The truth of the matter
dear reader,
is that I no longer create
for the sake of art
a deadline
or for myself.
I set it aside
boxed it up
and walked away.