So, what the hell have I done since Wednesday? For starters, I plastered some of downtown with SG stickers. They look magnificent. My next mission is to take peektures of the strategically placed circular beauties. Tomorrow, perhaps.
My emotions have run amuck at work. Waitressing hell is slowly but surely wearing me down. My eyes threaten me with tears every time I step foot in there. I fear it. Them. Demanding cheap fucks. Stiffed four times in two days. I walked away with a good collective chunk of money but it's still not worth the tears. Work tomorrow. What is this, week three without a single day off? Pure joy.
I can't express how much I enjoy feeling like a pesant in the eyes of jesus-loving soccer moms and sticky-fingered spawn running around their legs; jello and crayons clutched tightly in their chubby hands. That's right bitch -- child obesity is a myth.
The Distillers are not opening for Radiohead (yes, Twwly, RADIOHEAD). I knew it was too strange and good to be true. So, that leaves me with one question: who the fuck is Supergrass?
I need to make another mix CD soon.
Update 9/22/03:
I got inked today. Two red stars on my lower pelvic area -- one on each side. They're fucking RAD. I
them. I want more.
Update 9/24/03:
The RADIOHEAD concert was amazing. They're so energetic on stage. I'm still in awe. Speechless. They played "Lurgee" from Pablo Honey, stating that they rarely ever play anything from it. It was a real treat for me. They played 1-2 songs from each album which was awesome. Seeing them made me appreciate Hail To The Thief on a new level. See them live!

My emotions have run amuck at work. Waitressing hell is slowly but surely wearing me down. My eyes threaten me with tears every time I step foot in there. I fear it. Them. Demanding cheap fucks. Stiffed four times in two days. I walked away with a good collective chunk of money but it's still not worth the tears. Work tomorrow. What is this, week three without a single day off? Pure joy.
I can't express how much I enjoy feeling like a pesant in the eyes of jesus-loving soccer moms and sticky-fingered spawn running around their legs; jello and crayons clutched tightly in their chubby hands. That's right bitch -- child obesity is a myth.
The Distillers are not opening for Radiohead (yes, Twwly, RADIOHEAD). I knew it was too strange and good to be true. So, that leaves me with one question: who the fuck is Supergrass?
I need to make another mix CD soon.

Update 9/22/03:
I got inked today. Two red stars on my lower pelvic area -- one on each side. They're fucking RAD. I

Update 9/24/03:
The RADIOHEAD concert was amazing. They're so energetic on stage. I'm still in awe. Speechless. They played "Lurgee" from Pablo Honey, stating that they rarely ever play anything from it. It was a real treat for me. They played 1-2 songs from each album which was awesome. Seeing them made me appreciate Hail To The Thief on a new level. See them live!

Random Chicken!!!!!
*seethes with jealousy*