I figure I'm going to Hell (if there were one) because I have no patience for speds. Otherwise known as special education. That would be the p.c. term for them if I weren't such an asshole. I have a lot of compassion, don't get me wrong, just not a lot in that arena. I couldn't even finish I Am Sam -- did I mention I'm an asshole?
My friend Rodrigo is leaving tonight for Spain on a study abroad type of thing. He'll be gone a year and I'm completely envious right now.
I spent an entire evening with Kandace on Monday. I don't think she has "feelings" for me anymore. I missed my chance but I'll take what I've got -- she means a lot to me. Sigh.
A guy in a local band wants to buy my "Ambivalence" painting. I'm not sure how much to sell it for. Turns out he's a great photographer and wants me to model for him. I might take him up on that.
Snelling Story #2: I left for work as usual and I was coming up to the park and elementary school when I saw traffic had stopped. Mind you, population 314, and traffic was at a stand still. Right. I notice there are a lot of horse trailers in the midst of town-folk confusion but inch my way along. There are two 25 mph turns before you hit the "main street". You can either go straight on the first turn and cut through alley way housing streets to the end of the main road or take the turns. People keep going straight. I decide to take the turns (foolish me) and BAM! Cows everywhere. A fuckin' cattle drive through town. Up on people's lawns, the fire house, market, gas station, bar, everywhere: cows. Apparently, this is an anual event. I was almost late for work. Only in Snelling.
My friend Rodrigo is leaving tonight for Spain on a study abroad type of thing. He'll be gone a year and I'm completely envious right now.
I spent an entire evening with Kandace on Monday. I don't think she has "feelings" for me anymore. I missed my chance but I'll take what I've got -- she means a lot to me. Sigh.
A guy in a local band wants to buy my "Ambivalence" painting. I'm not sure how much to sell it for. Turns out he's a great photographer and wants me to model for him. I might take him up on that.

Snelling Story #2: I left for work as usual and I was coming up to the park and elementary school when I saw traffic had stopped. Mind you, population 314, and traffic was at a stand still. Right. I notice there are a lot of horse trailers in the midst of town-folk confusion but inch my way along. There are two 25 mph turns before you hit the "main street". You can either go straight on the first turn and cut through alley way housing streets to the end of the main road or take the turns. People keep going straight. I decide to take the turns (foolish me) and BAM! Cows everywhere. A fuckin' cattle drive through town. Up on people's lawns, the fire house, market, gas station, bar, everywhere: cows. Apparently, this is an anual event. I was almost late for work. Only in Snelling.
maybe its about time you left snelling. i think the cattle were a sign from god.