*Yippie!!* I got a little action last night! lol. After about 8 months of nothing but a kiss even a little is a big deal to me. I don't think it's healthy for two people to live together and be in love but never have sex. He doesn't think sex is important. I've bitched about this all before, but it still is a mystery to me. every other boyfriend I've ever had I've had to beat off with a stick. This one I beg to just touch me. But I know 100000000% that he really loves me. Why would sex be an issue, guys I need some input from you side. If love isn't problem. I know I gained weight but I hate to think he is that shallow. What do you think. Be kind.
I got nothing.
Ask him why he doesn't feel like being intimate. Don't pressure him, just as him to search within himself and figure out the answers. If you understand why, there might be something you can do about it. Though there is a possibility that you might not be able to do something.